About Me

About Me

The main objective of the Website ask.zarooribaatein.com is to connect the people who have the knowledge to the people who need it, to bring together people with different perspectives so they can understand each other better, and to empower everyone to share their knowledge. 

So that you can understand the important terminology of electricity bills such as unit, watt, power factor, Maximum demand, meter reading, wrong bill, smart meter, power saving, electrical appliances, and all things related to the electricity bill.

Also, here I share the rules of the distribution company, their tariff, and supply-code-related topics. Like new connection, disconnection, load enhancement, temporary connection, etc. so that you can understand your electricity bill and don’t get into any problems.

Also, here I discuss topics related to electricity like energy saving, Electrical Safety, Distribution Systems of electricity, power supply, home safety precaution, etc.

And about home appliances how, you can choose the best Electrical home appliance for you.

I am an Electrical Engineer and currently working as an Assistant Electrical Engineer in a distribution company. I am working with a distribution company for more than eight years. So here, I try to share my experience and knowledge to solve real-life problems related to electricity and electricity bills.