What is the unit rate of DS-II in Urban areas in Bihar?
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What is CA number in case of an electricity bill?
Where I can check the daily consumption of smart meter in Bihar? Is there any specific app or website?
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Do you feel consumption of smart meter is higher than digital meter?
Smart meter ke bill me bakaye ka vivran wala box ka kya matlab hai kon sa advance payment mera hai? mene to recharge jyada kiya tha aur deduction amount bhi mera us month ka itna nhi hai, to fir ye ...Read more
How we can check the balance of the smart meters in Bihar? What are the options available to check the balance other than Bihar Bijli Smart Meter App?
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Smart Meter? स्मार्ट मीटर के फायदे और नुकसान क्या हैं?
What is the Bihar Bijli Smart Meter helpline number? I have some problems with the smart meter. Where i can ask or register my complaint regarding the smart meter in Bihar? Where I can call regarding Bihar Bijli Smart Meter?